Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today I am missing this place

(for those of you who dont know....this place is Spokane! aka the happiest place on earth)

Dont get me wrong,
I love our new life here.
I love our apartment.
I love the weather.
I love the city.
I love the people we've met.

But, I woke up this morning missing all things familiar.

Dear Thanksgiving,
Please come soon. I'm missing my family and friends. I promise I will eat lots of turkey and pie.

A homesick girl
PS) Is this little girl adorable or what?

She rolled over for the first time yesterday and I literally stood up and cheered!
(it was embarrassing)
I think i'm turning into one of those annoying parents who brag to everyone
about how amazing their child is.
I'll try to tone it down...
but she is amazing!


Denny and Denise said...

Spokane and your fam miss you as well...and what a little smarty!!! Rolling over and everything! Can't wait to see her and you two. Love, momo

Papa D said...

We are so looking forward to seeing you all at Thanksgiving!

Rachel said...

I too am missing Spokane. So excited for Thanksgiving!

sherron said...

Sorry you were feeling a little homesick. So happy you'll be there soon!