Saturday, September 3, 2011


Tomorrow is our last day in California
and my heart is breaking.

I sure am going to miss our little apartment,
driving Brandon to and from work everyday,
sleeping on an air mattress,
eating on a card table,
and who could forget
 our beautiful hand-me-down couches from the 90's!

I honestly didn't think I would be this sad to leave our little temporary home.
But it was a our first apartment,
our first bed,our first couch
and most importantly,
where I first learned how to be a wife,
and that's why I love it.

I guess you could say
"I left my heart in San Francisco"
(get it, the song)

Goodbye sunny beautiful California, Hello snowy scary driving Utah!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love that we both started out on an air mattress, I think there is a lot to be said for that :)